The Existence of Li-Yorke Chaos in Certain Predator-Prey System of Difference Equations


  • Mirela Garić-Demirović University of Tuzla Department of Mathematics, Tuzla
  • Sabina Hrustić University of Tuzla Department of Mathematics, Tuzla
  • Samra Moranjkić University of Tuzla Department of Mathematics, Tuzla
  • Mehmed Nurkanović University of Tuzla Department of Mathematics, Tuzla
  • Zehra Nurkanović University of Tuzla Department of Mathematics, Tuzla



difference equation, equilibrium, predator-prey system, snap-back repeller, Li-Yorke chaos


This paper investigates an autonomous predator-prey system of difference equations with three equilibrium points and exhibits chaos in the sense of Li-Yorke in the positive equilibrium point. Numerical simulations are presented to illustrate our results.


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How to Cite

Garić-Demirović, M. ., Hrustić, S. ., Moranjkić, S. ., Nurkanović, M. ., & Nurkanović, Z. . (2024). The Existence of Li-Yorke Chaos in Certain Predator-Prey System of Difference Equations. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 18(1), 45–62.


