Weight Dependent Convolution on Beurling Spaces and Multipliers


  • Abudulaï Issa University of Lomé Department of Mathematics 1 BP 1515 Lomé 01
  • Yaogan Mensah University of Lomé Department of Mathematics 1 BP 1515 Lomé 01 and ICMPA-Unesco Chair University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin




weight, Beurling space, convolution, Banach algebra, multiplier


In this paper, some properties of a generalized translation operator are obtained. A weight dependent convolution product on Beurling spaces is studied. A convolution theorem related to a weight Fourier transform is obtained. Multipliers for the pair
$(\mathcal{L}_{\omega}^{1}(G),\mathcal{L}_{\omega}^{p}(G))$ are introduced.


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How to Cite

Issa, A., & Mensah, Y. (2024). Weight Dependent Convolution on Beurling Spaces and Multipliers. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 19(2), 171–182. https://doi.org/10.5644/SJM.19.02.03


