A Korovkin-type approximation theorem for positive linear operators in $H_{\omega }\left( K\right) $ via power series method


  • Ebru Altiparmak Erzurum Technical University Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, 25010 Erzurum
  • Özlem Girgin Atlihan Pamukkale University Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, 25700, Denizli,




Korovkin Theorem, Power series method, Positive linear operators, Bleimann Butzer and Hanh operators


The aim of this paper is to present Korovkin theorems for positive linear operators of two variables from $H_{\omega }\left( K\right) $ into $%C_{B}\left( K\right) $ via the power series method. In addition, we give an example that our new approximation result works but its classical case does not work. Furthermore, we obtain the rate of convergence of these operators.


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How to Cite

Altiparmak, E., & Atlihan, Özlem G. (2024). A Korovkin-type approximation theorem for positive linear operators in $H_{\omega }\left( K\right) $ via power series method. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 19(2), 183–191. https://doi.org/10.5644/SJM.19.02.04


