Results on Difference-Differential Polynomial of Entire Functions


  • Tapas Lowha Sarsuna College (University of Calcutta), Department of Mathematics 4/HB/A, Ho-Chi-Minh Sarani, Sarsuna, Kolkata-700061



Meromorphic functions, Entire functions, shared values, differential polynomials, uniqueness


In this paper, we deal with the uniqueness results of derivatives of difference-differential polynomials of entire functions sharing a value with CM(IM). The results of this paper extend the results of K. Liu, X.L. Liu and T.B. Cao[8,9] and K. Zhang and H. Yi[17] and many others.


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How to Cite

Lowha, T. (2024). Results on Difference-Differential Polynomial of Entire Functions. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 19(2), 215–226.


