A Fast Convergent Approximation Method for the Solution of Second Order Linear Ordinary Differential Equations


  • Gevorg A. Grigorian Institute of Mathematics NAS of Armenia 0019 Armenia c. Yerevan, str. M. Bagramian 24/5




Riccati equation, Peano's existence theorem, second order linear ordinary differential equations, fundamental matrices of level $m$, gluing of fundamental matrices


The Riccati equation method is used to obtain a fast convergent approximation method for the solution of second order linear ordinary differential equations. By using examples it is shown how fast the proposed method can converge.


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How to Cite

Grigorian, G. A. (2024). A Fast Convergent Approximation Method for the Solution of Second Order Linear Ordinary Differential Equations. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 19(2), 241–253. https://doi.org/10.5644/SJM.19.02.09


