The ideal-based zero-divisor graph of commutative chained rings


  • David F. Anderson The University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN 37996
  • S. Ebrahimi Atani Department of MathematicsUniversity of GuilanP.O. Box 1914, Rasht
  • M. Shajari Kohan Department of MathematicsUniversity of GuilanP.O. Box 1914, Rasht
  • Z. Ebrahimi Sarvandi Department of MathematicsUniversity of GuilanP.O. Box 1914, Rasht



Zero-divisor graph, deal-based zero-divisor graph, chained ring


Let $I$ be a proper ideal of a commutative ring $R$ with $1 \neq 0$. The ideal-based zero-divisor graph of $R$ with respect to $I$, denoted by $\Gamma_I(R)$, is the (simple) graph with vertices $\{ \, x\in R \setminus I \mid xy \in I$ for some $y \in R\setminus I \, \}$, and distinct vertices $x$ and $y$ are adjacent if and only if $xy \in I$. In this paper, we study $\Gamma_I(R)$ for commutative rings $R$ such that $R/I$ is a chained ring.


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How to Cite

Anderson, D. F., Atani, S. E., Kohan, M. S. ., & Sarvandi, Z. E. (2024). The ideal-based zero-divisor graph of commutative chained rings. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 10(1), 3–12.


