Quasimodular Siegel Modular Forms as P-Adic Modular Forms


  • Siegfried Böcherer Mathematisches Institut, Universität Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany




Siegel modular forms, quasimodular forms, differential operators, Rankin-Cohen brackets, p-adic modular forms


There is a sophisticated theory of nearly holomorphic Siegel modular forms by Shimura. Using previous results by Nagaoka and myself on Rankin-Cohen operators and theta-operators we will present a proof that quasimodular forms (defined as constant terms or as holomorphic part of a nearly holomorphic Siegel modular form) are always p-adic.

* This paper was presented at the International Scientific Conference Graded structures in algebra and their applications, dedicated to the memory of Prof. Marc Krasner, IUCDubrovnik, Croatia, September, 22-24, 2016.


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How to Cite

Böcherer, S. (2024). Quasimodular Siegel Modular Forms as P-Adic Modular Forms. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 12(2), 419–428. https://doi.org/10.5644/SJM.12.3.13


