Aspects of Weak, $s$-cs and Almost Injective Rings


  • Nasr A. Zeyada Cairo University, Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics, Egypt; University of Jeddah, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, Saudi Arabia
  • Amr K. Amin Beni-Suef University, Faculty of Science, Departement of Mathematics, Egypt; Umm Al-Qura University, Jamoum University College, Department of Mathematics, Makkah, Saudi Arabia



$CS$, weak-$CS$, $S$-$CS$, rad-injective rings, almost injective rings, Kasch rings, Quasi-Frobenius rings


It is not known whether right $CF$-rings ($FGF$-rings) are right artinian (quasi-Frobenius). This paper gives a positive answer of this question in the case of weak $CS$ ($s$-$CS$) and $GC2$ rings. Also we get some new results on almost injective rings.


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How to Cite

Zeyada, N. A., & Amin, A. K. (2024). Aspects of Weak, $s$-cs and Almost Injective Rings. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 12(2), 183–192.


