Asymptotic Approximations of the Stable and Unstable Manifold of the Fixed Point of a Certain Rational Map by Using Functional Equations


  • M.R.S. Kulenović Department of Mathematics, University of Rhode Island Kingston, U.S.A
  • E. Pilav Department of Mathematics, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina



Basin of attraction, competitive map, functional equation, monotonicity, stable manifold, unstable manifold


Dedicated to the memory of Professor Mahmut Bajraktarevi´c

We find an asymptotic approximations of the stable and unstable manifolds of the saddle equilibrium solution and the period-two solutions of the following difference equation $x_{n+1} = p+x_{n-1}/x_{n}$, where the parameter $p$ is positive number and the initial conditions $x_{-1}$ and $x_0$ are positive numbers. These manifolds, which satisfy the standard functional equations of stable and unstable manifolds determine completely global dynamics of this equation.


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How to Cite

Kulenović, M., & Pilav, E. (2024). Asymptotic Approximations of the Stable and Unstable Manifold of the Fixed Point of a Certain Rational Map by Using Functional Equations. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 12(2), 233–250.


