The Log-Balancedness of Combinatorial Sequences


  • Feng-Zhen Zhao Shanghai University, Shanghai , China



Log-concavity, log-convexity, log-balancedness, linear transformations, reverse ultra log-concavity


In this paper, we discuss the log-balancedness of combinatorial sequences. We consider operators on sequences that preserve the log-balancedness property. We also give a sufficient condition for the log-balancedness of the product of two sequences. As applications, we prove that some combinatorial sequences are log-balanced. In addition, we discuss the reverse ultra log-concavity of some sequences involving the log-balanced sequence.


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How to Cite

Zhao, F.-Z. (2024). The Log-Balancedness of Combinatorial Sequences. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 11(2), 141–154.


