Zero-Dimensional Schemes in the Plane


  • E. Ballico Department of Mathematics, University of Trento, Povo, Italy



Zero-dimensional scheme, plane curve, Hilbert function


Let $Z\subset \mathbb {P}^2$ be a zero-dimensional scheme. Fix $t\in \mathbb {N}$. In this paper we study the following question: find assumptions on $Z$ and $t$ such that $h^1(\mathcal {I}_A(t)) <h^1(\mathcal {I}_Z(t))$ for all $A\subsetneq Z$ and check if $t$ does not exist for a certain class of schemes $Z$.


2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 14N05.


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How to Cite

Ballico, E. (2024). Zero-Dimensional Schemes in the Plane. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 10(2), 141–154.


