Extending the Stieltjes Transform


  • Dennis Nemzer Department of Mathematics, California State University, Turlock, CA, U.S.A.




Abelian theorems, Boehmians, generalized function, iterated Laplace transform, Stieltjes transform


The classical Stieltjes transform is extended to a subspace of Boehmians. The transform is shown to be an analytic function in the half-plane $\mbox{Re}$ $z > 0$. Some Abelian type theorems are established.


2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 44A15, 46F12, 44A10.


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How to Cite

Nemzer, D. (2024). Extending the Stieltjes Transform. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 10(2), 197–208. https://doi.org/10.5644/SJM.10.2.06


