Some Inequalities of Čebyšev Type for Functions of Operators in Hilbert Spaces


  • S. S. Dragomir College of Engineering & Science, Victoria University, Melbourne City, Australia; School of Comput. & Applied Math., University of the Witwatersrand,, Johannesburg, South Africa



Selfadjoint bounded linear operators, functions of operators, power series


Some operator inequalities for synchronous functions that are related to the Čebyšev inequality for sequences of real numbers are given. Natural examples for pairs of functions that have the same monotonicity on an interval are presented as well.


2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 47A63, 47A99.


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How to Cite

Dragomir, S. S. (2024). Some Inequalities of Čebyšev Type for Functions of Operators in Hilbert Spaces. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 10(2), 221–235.


