Variations on A-Browder-Type Theorems


  • Mohammed Berkani Department of Mathematics, Science faculty of Oujda, University Mohammed I, Operator Theory Team, Morocco
  • Mohammed Kachad Department of Mathematics, Science faculty of Oujda, University Mohammed I, Operator Theory Team, Morocco
  • Hassan Zariouh Centre régional des métiers de l’éducation et de la formation, Oujda, Morocco et Equipe de la Théorie des OprateursUniversit´e Mohammed PremierFacult´e des Sciences D´ept. de Mathématiques et Informatique, Morocco
  • Hassane Zguitti Dépt. de Math´ematiques et Informatique, Faculté Pluridisciplinaire de Nador Université Mohammed Premier, Nador, Morocco



Essential semi-B-Fredholm spectrum, a-Weyl's theorem, a-Browder's theorem, property $(SBw)$


We introduce and we study the new spectral properties $(SBw)$, $(SBaw)$, $(SBab)$ and $(SBb).$ Among other results, we show that if $T$ is a bounded linear operator acting on a Banach space $X$, then $T$ possesses property $(SBb)$ if and only if $T$ possesses property $(b)$ and $\Pi^0(T)=\Pi_a(T).$


2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 47A53, 47A10, 47A11.


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How to Cite

Berkani, M., Kachad, M., Zariouh, H., & Zguitti, H. (2024). Variations on A-Browder-Type Theorems. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 9(2), 271–281.


