A Unified Theory of Weakly ${G}$-Closed Sets and Weakly ${G}$-Continuous Functions


  • Takashi Noiri Kumamoto-Ken, Japan
  • Valeriu Popa Department of Mathematics, Univ. Vasile Alecsandri of Bacˇau, Bacˇau, Romania




$m$-structure, weakly $g$-closed, weakly $\omega$-closed, weakly $rg$-closed, weakly $\pi g$-closed, $wmng$-closed set, $wmng$-continuous


We introduce the notion of weakly $mng$-closed sets as a unified form of weakly $\omega$-closed sets \cite{Ra}, weakly $rg$-closed sets \cite{Na}, weakly $\pi g$-closed sets \cite{RGC} and weakly $mg^\ast$-closed sets \cite{No-Po4}. Moreover, we introduce and study the notion of weakly $mng$-continuous functions to unify some modifications of weakly $g$-continuous functions.


2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 54A05, 54C08


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How to Cite

Noiri, T., & Popa, V. (2024). A Unified Theory of Weakly ${G}$-Closed Sets and Weakly ${G}$-Continuous Functions. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 9(1), 129–142. https://doi.org/10.5644/SJM.09.1.12


