Existence of Periodic Solutions for Totally Nonlinear Neutral Differential Equations With Variable Delay


  • Abdelouaheb Ardjouni Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Annaba, Annaba, Algeria
  • Ahcéne Djoudi Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Annaba, Annaba, Algeria




Periodic solution, nonlinear neutral differential equation, large contraction, integral equation


We use a modification of Krasnoselskii's fixed point theorem introduced by T. A. Burton (see $\left[ 1\right] $ Theorem $3$) to show that the totally nonlinear neutral differential equation with variable delay
x^{\prime }(t)=-a(t)x^{3}(t)+c(t)x^{\prime }(t-g(t))Q^{\prime
}\left( x\left( t-g(t)\right) \right)\\ +G\left(
t,x^{3}(t),x^{3}(t-g(t))\right) ,
has a periodic solution. We invert this equation to construct a sum of a compact map and a large contraction which is suitable for applying the modification of Krasnoselskii's theorem. The results of $\left[ 5\right]$ are generalized. Finally, an example is given to illustrate our result.


2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 34K20, 45J05, 45D05


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How to Cite

Ardjouni, A., & Djoudi, A. (2024). Existence of Periodic Solutions for Totally Nonlinear Neutral Differential Equations With Variable Delay. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 8(1), 107–117. https://doi.org/10.5644/SJM.08.1.08


