P-asymptotically Equivalent in Probability


  • Richard F. Patterson Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of North Florida, Florida, USA
  • Ekrem Savaş Department of Mathematics, Istanbul commerce University, Uskudar, Istanbul, Turkey




P-convergent, P-asymptotical equivalent regular in probability


In this paper we present the following definitions P-asymptotically equivalent probability of multiple $L$ and P-asymptotically probability regular. In addition to these definitions we asked and provide answers for the following questions.

(1)If $x\stackrel{Probability}{\approx} y$ then what type of four dimensional matrices transformation will satisfy the following $\mu (Ax)\stackrel{Probability}{\approx} \mu (Ay)$?

(2) If $[x]$ and $[y]$ are bounded double sequences that P-asymptotically converges at the same rate, then what are the necessary and sufficient conditions on the entries of any four dimensional matrix transformation $A$ that will ensure that $A$ sums $[x]$ and $[y]$ at the same P-asymptotic rate?

(3) What are the conditions on the entries of four dimensional matrices that ensure the preservation of P-asymptotically convergence in probability?


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How to Cite

Patterson, R. F., & Savaş, E. (2024). P-asymptotically Equivalent in Probability. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 6(2), 217–228. https://doi.org/10.5644/SJM.06.2.06


