Fractional Calculus Operator and Certain Applications in Geometric Function Theory


  • Hüseyin Irmak Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Letters, Çankırı Karatekin University, Çankırı, Turkey
  • Nikola Tuneski Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia



Open unit disk, analytic, multivalent, starlike, convex, closeto-convex functions, fractional calculus, Jack’s Lemma


Using a operator involving fractional calculus introduced by Owa and Srivastava [8], two novel families: $${\mathcal V}_{\delta}^{\alpha, \beta}(\nu;\gamma)\;\; \mbox{and} \;\;{\mathcal W}_{\delta}^{\alpha, \beta}(\mu;\gamma)$$ $$(\delta\neq 0,\; \alpha <1,\;\beta <1,\;\gamma <1,\;\mu\geq 0,\;\nu\in (-1,0)\cup(0,1))$$ of functions $f(z)$ which are analytic and univalent in the open unit disk ${\mathcal U}$ are defined. Moreover some consequences of main results are shown.


2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 30C45, 30A10, 26A33


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How to Cite

Irmak, H., & Tuneski, N. (2024). Fractional Calculus Operator and Certain Applications in Geometric Function Theory. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 6(1), 51–57.


