More on Hurwitz and Tasoev Continued Fractions


  • Takao Komatsu Graduate School of Science and Technology, Hirosaki University, Hirosaki, Japan



Several new types of Hurwitz continued fractions have been studied. Most basic Hurwitz continued fractions can be expressed by using confluent hypergeometric functions ${}_0F_1(;c;z)$. This expression enables us to find some more general Hurwitz continued fractions. A contrast between Tasoev continued fractions and Hurwitz ones yields some more general Tasoev continued fractions. Some Ramanujan continued fractions are also discussed.


1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 11A55, 11J70, 11Y16, 33C10


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How to Cite

Komatsu, T. (2024). More on Hurwitz and Tasoev Continued Fractions. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 4(2), 155–180.


