On Special Weakly Ricci-Symmetric Kenmotsu Manifolds


  • Nesip Aktan Department of Mathematics, Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey
  • Ali Gorgülü Department of Mathematics, Eski¸sehir Osmangazi University, Eski¸sehir, Turkey
  • Erdal Özüsağlam Department of Mathematics, Eski¸sehir Osmangazi University, Eski¸sehir, Turkey




Kenmotsu manifold, special weakly Ricci-symmetric manifold, Einstein manifold


In this paper, we have studied special weakly Ricci symmetric Kenmotsu manifolds. We show that if a special weakly Riccisymmetric Kenmotsu manifold admits a cyclic parallel Ricci tensor then the associate 1–form $\alpha$ must be zero. On the other hand we show that a special weakly Ricci-symmetric Kenmotsu manifold can not be an Einstein manifold if the associate 1–form $\alpha$ $\neq$ 0 and Ricci tensor of a special weakly Ricci-symmetric Kenmotsu manifold is parallel.


2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 53C21, 53C25


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How to Cite

Aktan, N., Gorgülü, A., & Özüsağlam, E. (2024). On Special Weakly Ricci-Symmetric Kenmotsu Manifolds. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 3(1), 93–97. https://doi.org/10.5644/SJM.03.1.09


