Some Noiseless Coding Theorems of Inaccuracy Measure of Order $\alpha$ and Type $\beta$


  • M. A. K. Baig Department of Statistics, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India
  • Rayees Ahmad Dar Department of Statistics, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India



Generalized inaccuracy measures, mean code word length, Hölder's inequality


In this paper, we propose a parametric `useful' mean code length which is weighted by utilities and generalizes some well known mean code lengths available in the literature. The object of this paper is to establish some results on noiseless coding theorems for the proposed parametric `useful' mean code length in terms of generalized "useful" inaccuracy measure of order $\alpha$ and type $\beta$.


1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 94A17, 94A24


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How to Cite

Baig, M. A. K., & Dar, R. A. (2024). Some Noiseless Coding Theorems of Inaccuracy Measure of Order $\alpha$ and Type $\beta$. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 3(1), 137–143.


