Right $\pi$-Regular Semirings


  • Vishnu Gupta Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
  • J. N. Chaudhari Department of Mathematics, M.J. College, Jalgaon, India




Semiring, subtractive ideal, partitioning ideal, quotient semiring, right $\pi$-regular semiring, right regular semiring, $\pi$-regular semiring, regular semiring, right semiregular right ideal, Jacobson-Bourne radical, semiprime semiring, semisimple semiring, right Arthinian semiring, right Noetherian semiring


We prove the following results (1) If $R$ is a right and left $\pi$-regular semiring then $R$ is a $\pi$-regular semiring. (2) If $R$ is an additive cancellative semiprime, right Artinian or right $\pi$-regular right Noetherian semiring then $R$ is semisimple. (3) Let $I$ be a partitioning ideal of a semiring $R$ such that $Q=(R-I)\cup \{0\}$. If $I$ is a right regular ideal and the quotient semiring $R/I$ is right $\pi$-regular then $R$ is a right $\pi$-regular semiring.


2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 16Y60


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How to Cite

Gupta, V., & Chaudhari, J. N. (2024). Right $\pi$-Regular Semirings. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 2(1), 3–9. https://doi.org/10.5644/SJM.02.1.01


