A Class of Functional Equations (Almost) Characterizing Polynomials on Integral Domains


  • Bruce R. Ebanks Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS, USA
  • Peter de Place Friis Millsaps College, Jackson, MS, USA




Characterization of polynomials, divided difference, functional equations, integral domains


Let $R$ be an infinite integral domain not of characteristic 2. For a given $ n\geq 2$, suppose functions $f:R\rightarrow R$ and $h:R \rightarrow R$ satisfy
where the left side denotes the determinant of the $n\times n$ matrix with row $i$ given by $(1,x_i,x_i^2,\ldots,x_i^{n-2},f(x_i))$. It is proved that $ Df$ is a polynomial of degree at most $n$ over $R$, for some $D$ in $R$. For $n=2$ and $n=3$ the conclusion can be strengthened to take $D=1$, but surprisingly this is not possible for $n\geq 4$.


2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 39B52


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How to Cite

Ebanks, B. R., & de Place Friis, P. . (2024). A Class of Functional Equations (Almost) Characterizing Polynomials on Integral Domains. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 1(2), 185–196. https://doi.org/10.5644/SJM.01.2.05


