Tauberian Conditions for Double Sequences That Are Statistically Summable by Weighted Means


  • Árpád Fekete Hungarian Academy of Sciences, University of Szeged, Analysis Research Group, Hungary




Double sequence, statistical convergence, statistical summability $(\overline{N},\,p,\,q)$, statistical limit inferior, one--sided and two--sided Tauberian conditions, slow decrease, slow oscillation


The concept of statistical convergence of ordinary (single) sequences was introduced by Fast in 1951. Basic properties of statistical convergence were proved by Schönberg and Fridy. Móricz extended the concept of statistical convergence from single to multiple sequences and proved some basic results. Móricz and Orhan have recently proved necessary and sufficient Tauberian conditions under which statistical convergence follows from statistical summability by weighted means. We extend this result from single to double sequences.


2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 40B05, 40E05, 40G05


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H. Fast, Sur la convergence statistique, Colloq. Math., 2 (1951), 241–244.

J. A. Fridy, On statistical convergence, Analysis, 5 (1985), 301–313.

J. A. Fridy and C. Orhan, Statistical limit superior and limit inferior, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 125 (1997), 3625–3631.

G. H. Hardy, Theorems relating to the summability and convergence of slowly oscillating series, Proc. London Math. Soc., 8 (2), (1910), 310–320.

F. M`oricz, Statistical convergence of multiple sequences, Arch. Math. Basel, 76 (2003) (to appear).

F. M`oricz and C. Orhan, Tauberian conditions under which statistical convergence follows from statistical summability by weighted means, Studia Sci. Math. Hungar., (submitted).

F. M`oricz, Tauberian theorems for double sequences that are statistically summable (C, 1, 1), J. Math. Anal. Appl., (to appear).

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How to Cite

Fekete, Árpád. (2024). Tauberian Conditions for Double Sequences That Are Statistically Summable by Weighted Means. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 1(2), 197–210. https://doi.org/10.5644/SJM.01.2.06


