Representation Theorems for Integrated Semigroups


  • Ramiz Vugdalić Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics, University of Tuzla, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina



Linear operator on a Banach space, $C_{0}-$ semigroup, exponentially bounded integrated semigroup


In this paper $\left( S(t)\right) _{t\geq 0}$ is an exponentially bounded integrated semigroup on a Banach space $X,$ with generator $A.$ We present some relations between an integrated semigroup and its generator $A,$ or its resolvent.


2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 47D60, 47D62


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How to Cite

Vugdalić, R. (2024). Representation Theorems for Integrated Semigroups. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 1(2), 243–250.


