Remark on the Second Bounded Cohomology of Amalgamated Product of Groups


  • Valeriy A. Faĭziev Tver State Agricultural Academy, Tver Sakharovo, Russia
  • Prasanna K. Sahoo Department of Mathematics, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, USA



For any cardinal number ${\mathcal M}$ we construct examples of amalgamated products and HNN extensions of groups such that the dimension of the space of second bounded cohomologies is at least ${\mathcal M}$. Also we describe the space of pseudocharacters of the group $GL(2,F_2[z]).$


2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 20M15, 20M30, 39B82


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How to Cite

Faĭziev, V. A., & Sahoo, P. K. (2024). Remark on the Second Bounded Cohomology of Amalgamated Product of Groups. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 1(1), 27–48.


