Variational Approximation for Modified Meyer-König and Zeller Operators


  • Emre Taş
  • Tuğba Yurdakadim



Meyer-K¨onig and Zeller operators, convergence in variation, functions of bounded variation


In the present paper we introduce modified Meyer-König and Zeller operators which coincide with the classical Meyer-König and Zeller operators if $\omega(x)=x$. We provide sufficient conditions on the boundedness of the total variation of these operators and we also present a result which deals with the variational approximation of the new modified operators.


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How to Cite

Taş, E. ., & Yurdakadim, T. . (2022). Variational Approximation for Modified Meyer-König and Zeller Operators. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 15(1), 113–127.


