Cesàro Means of Subsequences of Double Sequences


  • Emre Taş
  • Cihan Orhan




Double sequences, Pringsheim convergence, the Buck-Pollard Property, double subsequences


In this paper we characterize the convergence and $\left( C,1,1\right) $ summability of a double sequence. In particular we study conditions under which the convergence or $\left( C,1,1\right) $ summability of a double sequence carry over to that of its subsequences, \ and conversely, whether these properties for suitable subsequences imply them for the sequence itself. We show, for instance, that a bounded double sequence is $\left(C,1,1\right) $ summable if and only if almost all of its subsequences are $\left( C,1,1\right) $ summable.


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How to Cite

Taş, E. ., & Orhan, C. . (2020). Cesàro Means of Subsequences of Double Sequences. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 15(2), 169–179. https://doi.org/10.5644/SJM.15.02.03


