Quasi-Asymptotically Almost Periodic Vector-Valued Generalized Functions


  • Marko Kostić
  • Stevan Pilipović
  • Daniel Velinov




quasi-asymptotically almost periodic (ultra) distributions, Stepanov p-quasi- asymptotically almost periodic (ultra)distributions, Banach spaces


In this paper are introduced the notions of a quasi-asymptotically almost periodic distributions and quasi-asymptotically almost periodic ultradistributions with values in a Banach space, as well as some other generalizations of these concepts. Furthermore, some applications of the introduced concepts in the analysis of systems of ordinary differential equations are provided.


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How to Cite

Kostić, M. ., Pilipović, S. ., & Velinov, D. . (2020). Quasi-Asymptotically Almost Periodic Vector-Valued Generalized Functions. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 15(2), 181–199. https://doi.org/10.5644/SJM.15.02.04


