Self-Orthogonal Codes From Row Orbit Matrices of Strongly Regular Graphs


  • Marija Maksimović



Self-orthogonal code, strongly regular graph, block design


We show that under certain conditions submatrices of row orbit matrices of strongly regular graphs span self-orthogonal codes. In order to demonstrate this method of construction, we construct self-orthogonal ternary linear codes from orbit matrices of the strongly regular graphs with parameters (70,27,12,9). Also we construct non self-orthogonal binary linear codes from these orbit matrices. Further, we obtain strongly regular graphs and block designs from codewords of the constructed codes.


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How to Cite

Maksimović, M. . (2020). Self-Orthogonal Codes From Row Orbit Matrices of Strongly Regular Graphs. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 15(2), 309–322.


