Summation Processes and Gaussian Quadratures


  • Gradimir V. Milovanović Faculty of Computer Sciences, Megatrend University, Novi Beograd, Serbia



Summation, Gaussian quadrature, convergence, weight function, three-term recurrence relation, contour integration


In this survey paper we present two classes of summation procedures based on ideas related to Gaussian quadratures. Such summation/integration procedures can be applied to the summation of slowly convergent series. Numerical examples are included.


2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 40A25; Secondary 30E20, 33C90, 65D32, 33F05


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How to Cite

Milovanović, G. V. (2024). Summation Processes and Gaussian Quadratures. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 7(2), 185–200.


